Welcome to our blog!

Hi there and welcome to our new blog site for the Water Sciences Group at the University of Birmingham. We are a group of researchers who are interested in all things watery from ecology to water chemistry to hydrology and on! We hope that this page will be a place where we can discuss issues and advances in the science, provide some details of the research that we are doing and keep everyone informed of conferences, publications and such like that are coming up. Please feel free to post as much or as little as you want.

Thursday, 25 October 2012

Next seminar: Monday 29th October

Atmospheric Rivers and British Winter Floods
David Lavers, University of Reading

Damage from flooding in the winter and autumn seasons has been widespread in the United Kingdom and Western Europe over recent decades. In this seminar the connection between atmospheric rivers (ARs) and the largest winter floods in a range of British basins will be discussed from a hydrological and atmospheric stand-point. Firstly, an analysis of the hydrological time series is used to evaluate atmospheric fields before the largest floods to show the AR-flood link. Secondly, an algorithm is introduced that screens for ARs in climate model output; this is followed by showing the strong connection between the identified ARs and British winter floods. Future changes to ARs under climate change will also be considered.

The seminar will be held in room 311 of the Geography and Environmental Sciences Building between 4 and 5 pm. All are welcome to attend.

Thursday, 4 October 2012

Next seminar: Monday 15th October

Research priorities within the Environment Agency- an introduction to evidence partnerships
Chris Fulton, Evidence Advisor, Environment Agency

Chris' talk will focus on:
  •          An outline of the Environment Agency’s science structure
  •          Details of the Environment Agency’s research priorities and evidence requirements
  •          Current avenues for forming research partnerships between Universities & the Environment Agency

The seminar will be held in room 125 in the Geography and Environmental Sciences building between 4 and 5pm. All are welcome to attend.

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Seminar Series 2012/13

All seminars are held in the Geography and Environmental Sciences building. Contact Grace Garner (gxg627@bham.ac.uk) for more information or to volunteer a session

Mon 15th Oct, 4-5pm, Room 125
Research priorities within the Environment Agency- an introduction to evidence partnerships
Chris Fulton, Evidence Advisor, Environment Agency

Mon 29th Oct, 4-5pm, Room 311
Atmospheric Rivers and British Winter Floods
David Lavers, University of Reading

Mon 12th Nov, 4-5pm, Room 125
Topic tbc
Mark Warren, Environment Agency

Mon 26th Nov, 4-5pm, Room 311
Environmental Flows for Heavily Modified Catchments: getting real!
Geoff Petts, University of Westminster

Mon 21st Jan, 4-5pm, Room 311
Topic tbc
Martin Widmann, University of Birmingham

Mon 4th Feb, 4-5pm, Room 311
Topic tbc
Andrew Allen, University of Dundee

Mon 18th Feb, 4-5pm, Room 311
Topic tbc
Ian Pattison, Loughborough University

Mon 4th Mar, 4-5pm, Room 311

Mon 11th Mar, 4-5pm, Room 311
Climate Change, Hydro-dependency and the African Dam Boom
Robert Elliot, University of Birmingham

Mon 18th Mar, 4-5pm, Room 311

Monday 20th May, 4-5pm, Room 311
Impacts of Large Woody Debris on geomorphology and flood hydrology
Simon Dixon, University of Southampton

Monday 3rd June, 4-5pm, Room 311
Facing the future: climate change adaptation strategies for the conservation management of Scotland's lochs
Martin Muir, Centre for Environmental Change and Human Resilience