A British Hydrological Society National Meeting on
the subject of River Temperature Management and
Research in a Changing Climate was held in the
School on 18th May. Papers and posers presented by
representatives from academia, environmental
regulators and consultancy highlighted work which is
attempting to understand and mitigate the effects of
a changing climate on water temperature and its
biological and chemical dependents. The Meeting
was well attended by a wide range of stakeholders
from disciplinary backgrounds that included
hydrology, engineering, forestry science, ecology,
climatology and freshwater biology. A detailed
summary of papers and posters presented at the
Meeting will be published in the British Hydrological
Society’s newsletter, Circulation, in Autumn. The
conveners, PhD students Grace Garner, Phillip Blaen
and Kieran Khamis, gratefully acknowledge the
support of staff within the School, and; financial
assistance from the University of Birmingham
Graduate School Roberts Fund, and the British
Hydrological Society.
Welcome to our blog!
Hi there and welcome to our new blog site for the Water Sciences Group at the University of Birmingham. We are a group of researchers who are interested in all things watery from ecology to water chemistry to hydrology and on! We hope that this page will be a place where we can discuss issues and advances in the science, provide some details of the research that we are doing and keep everyone informed of conferences, publications and such like that are coming up. Please feel free to post as much or as little as you want.
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