Hydroecological tools for river basin planning
20 September 2011
Room NG08, Biosciences Building, University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, B15 2TT
The aim of this meeting is to demonstrate practical applications of recent research in the new and fast-field of Hydroecology, and illustrate their utility for river basin planning. This forward-looking meeting will encourage dialogue between hydrologists, looking, for example, at mismatches in spatial and temporal resolution of datasets, models, scales of enquiry and process understanding in this area, emphasising the importance of the interrelationships between river morphology and habitat, as well as between ecology and hydrology.
Individual sessions will include examples of how an environmental flow perspective can enhance river basin planning, and practical problems in their application (for example, to heavily modified water bodies). The meeting will consider where future work should be directed, and progress towards achieving the Water Framework Directive (2000) target date of 2015 for inland and coastal waters to reach good ecological status.
Who should attend? The meeting will bring together a good mix of scientists, engineers, water managers, regulators, consultants and policy-makers from universities, research institutes, the water industry, the Environment Agency and DEFRA. The meeting will alsocontribute towards Continuing Professional Development (CPD) requirements.
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